Pro President Program

Program created by the Cooperative that consists of a change of modality in the election of the president, going from a "democratic" election to a "democratic by competences" election, in order to improve the management skills of our directors

Pro Youth Program

Program designed with the objective of ensuring our generational change without problems, the children of the partners, young relatives and young partners participate.

Sustainable Alpaca Fiber Production Program

In this program we carry out activities in the management of natural resources and improvement of the alpaca herd that lead to adequate animal welfare, conservation of the environment, and increased productivity rates for alpaca breeding. It has the following sub programs:

  • Genetic Improvement.
  • Proper management of natural resources (soil and water).
  • Good sanitary practices.
  • Good shearing practices.
  • Good management practices.


Program for the Specialization and Rejuvenation of the workforce in the high Andean zone of Peru